Do You Need Accountability Software?

In today’s explosion of overlapping software solutions, how do we know what is what? Does accountability software replace task management or project management software? How is it different from Trello, Jira, Slack, Asana, Wrike or Basecamp?

Accountability softwareAccountability Software Adds an Effectiveness Layer to Task Management and Project Management Software 
On the surface, accountability software can certainly do some of the task management and project management functions performed by more specialized solutions, however, accountability software’s main purpose is to drive accountability in the workplace by keeping track of task completion performance at the individual level for later review and analysis.

Current State

Generic task management and project management software platforms, as well as many software solutions that are geared to specific sectors – banking, professional services, retail, manufacturing – have a way to track what needs to be done and provide powerful dashboards to view, at-a-glance, the state of things.
However, what these platforms fail to do is to track how well individuals or teams complete what they are supposed to complete on a timely basis, as expected, so they can ultimately be held accountable for actual results.

Accountability Software

Accountability software takes these crucial actions- monitoring and reporting on the status of things- one step further. In addition to being able to define and assign tasks or milestones and define due dates and reminders, accountability software tracks how well individuals complete what is assigned to them over time. This information can then be reviewed, analyzed, rewarded, and/or used to improve performance.
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CommandHound Escalates Overdue Tasks and Records Task Completion Performance By Individual
Accountability software platforms like CommandHound take the concept of accountability one step further by also providing an escalation engine that re-routes tasks or milestones when they failed to be completed on time.  CommandHound also provides extensive reporting at the individual and team levels so it can be tied to a performance review or reward system.
When team members understand that their performance is being recorded and their performance reviews will take this into account, they tend to get things done. Hence, accountability.

Next Steps

Would like to learn more about how you can use CommandHound to add a layer of accountability to your existing application portfolio?


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