I’ve always believed that accountability is achieved when people feel a sense of belonging and personal pride of being part of a great organization, with great leaders, doing something worthwhile.
Once employees truly buy into the meaning and mission of an organization, all they need is a road map of where the organization is headed, what needs to be done, and when it needs to be completed. With this road map they can see how their work contributes to the overall success of the company.
We constantly wonder why things keep falling through the cracks with no consequences to the offenders even when a performance review and/or reward system is in place. Remembering what goes on every day so it can be used and evaluated at a later time is a real challenge.
It looks like the European Union’s new GDPR will go into effect on May 25, 2018. Companies that fail to comply with its rules and regulations will face fines of up to $20 million euros (or 4% of sales for the preceding year). This is definitely not a trivial update.
Nowadays, we are spending more and more time working at all hours of the day and night. Worst yet, we talk ourselves into believing that things will get better soon.
Did you know that the most important part of CommandHound is your Inbox? Inbox first, then Dashboard (to review your own Control Towers), then everything else. Here is a nice Infographic to get you to easily incorporate CommandHound into you morning routine.
Cyber security seems like a very complex issue that requires deep, and seldom available, expertise to do it right. Here is a quick checklist that our information security users have turned into a Template in CommandHound for others to use. This checklist goes after the low hanging fruit by applying the 80/20 rule.
Everybody talks about how HR should be a strategic function in any business. The thinking goes that once HR masters its day-to-day processing activities (e.g., hiring, training), it should be able to move on to more strategic endeavors like succession planning and/or talent acquisition.
The Volkswagen emissions scandal figures prominently in the Catalog of Catastrophe that the International Project Leadership Academy has compiled of the most spectacular project management failures in the last 10 years.
The revelation that such a revered and trusted brand had taken previously inconceivable steps to deceive both regulators and the public in the name of profit margins was a shock to the world.
Curious about how to set up your CommandHound account alerts to best support productivity and accountability in your office?
We all agree that decision-making is a critical component in any business. Informed and timely decision-making is a goal we all aspire to improve on. So what happens when responsibilities and ultimate accountability are not clearly defined?