Insights: Accountability

What started as a management solution for complex software projects has rapidly grown across industries for companies both big and small.
The agile development process has taken CIO’s, CTO’s and Project Managers to new levels of productivity by embracing a culture of continuous change.
Program Management Offices (PMOs) have had to learn to evolve from a regular hierarchical reporting approach to the continuous change model that business demands today. 

It has become the norm for businesses to incorporate a virtual workforce into their operations.  
Whether a company has geographically dispersed offices, hires employees or freelancers in different cities or countries, or just offers local employees the flexibility to work from home, more and more of us are having to manage remote teams.  
Results of a Gallup survey published earlier this year showed that 43 percent of employed Americans spent at least some time working remotely in 2016.

The Volkswagen emissions scandal figures prominently in the Catalog of Catastrophe that the International Project Leadership Academy has compiled of the most spectacular project management failures in the last 10 years.
The revelation that such a revered and trusted brand had taken previously inconceivable steps to deceive both regulators and the public in the name of profit margins was a shock to the world.

The worldwide cyberattacks in the news lately have worried businesses and individuals alike.  
The ransomware attacks Petya and WannaCry have affected commercial businesses, governmental entities, and individuals by the thousands. But while the media focuses on these external attacks, internal network security threats remain one of the most common problems in  security management. 

Setting up a project management office is one the most effective things you can do to manage multiple projects around your organization. But it could become a big waste of time and resources if not configured properly.

One of the ultimate perks available to CommandHound clients is the superior level of service that comes along with any CommandHound implementation.

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