Insights: Management

Expanding the scope of a project is not a bad thing when properly managed.  in fact, changing requirements, constraints, needs, context, or priorities in a project is more norm than rarity.
But a problem arises when change creeps into a project unnoticed.  When project sponsors, project managers and team members realize that they are working on a bigger and more ambitious project than originally planned, and that they have begun to miss deadlines consistently and to exceed budgets, it’s probably too late.

As a partner, audit manager, or staff accountant in a large accounting firm doing external audits for large public and private companies, you may be wondering how to hold your client accountable for the components of the audit for which the client is responsible.

A recent survey found ISO 9001-certified organizations are 7% more profitable than those that are uncertified. 
85% of ISO certified organizations reported increased brand perception, increased demand for products and services, and higher market share.

With such a huge proliferation of task management, getting things done (GTD) apps, and checklist software, it’s no surprise that many attempts have been made to try to simplify the evaluation and selection process.
But have you ever tried to find something in Capterra, one of the most comprehensive software catalogs out there? There are 50+ software solutions listed in each of the following categories: workflow management, task management, and project management.
How are you supposed to compare or evaluate what’s best for your specific situation? 

This is a test post #2 2024-04-02